Avatar: The Legend of Korra

  The above image is a promo shot showing the new main character and avatar for a follow-up series to Avatar: The Last Airbender. It depicts Korra, evidently from the Southern Water Tribe, who is the new Avatar and must learn airbending from Master Tenzin, the son of Aang and Katara from the previous series. […]

Who is Spider-Man?

Well, they’ve cast the lead role in the reboot of Spider-Man as a film franchise. Ignoring the obvious questions about why this is happening, whether anyone cares, etc for a moment, I wanted to talk a bit about this casting and how it fits my particular preference for the character. Moreover, I will talk a […]

Inception is Impossible.

I did see this incredible film opening weekend, but had to mull it over and talk about it a bit before tackling some kind of review. I also probably had to see it again, which I did, and now I think I’m ready to get into Inception. First and foremost, if you haven’t seen this […]

TRON: Legacy

So I’m one of the seemingly few people in my generation who has seen the original TRON. I actually rather like the movie. It’s pretty simple but it’s visually interesting, even now, and has a pretty fun performance from Jeff Bridges. Also, the villain (not the Master Control Program but his chief minion) is appropriately […]

Scott Pilgrim vs. Our Hearts and Minds

So the final volume of Scott Pilgrim came out Tuesday. Leanne bought it for me on her lunch break because I had this irrational fear it would be sold out. We hit up Taste of Saskatchewan and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Tuesday night so I opted to save the book for the bus ride to work […]

Stagecoach Madness

Last night I finally got to experience a large-posse session of RDR multiplayer free roam and it was awesome. We road around doing Lawbringer missions for a couple of hours. Once we got up to 7 members of our intrepid group, I wise-assed about piloting a stagecoach filled with lead-dealing varmints and the other players, […]